Online Admission

Our surgeon will have indicated to you at which Hospital Site your procedure is to be undertaken. Our staff will send through to you via email, the reporting instructions, pre-operative instructions and if relevant bowel preparation instructions.

Knox Private Hospital, John Fawkner Private Hospital, Holmesglen Private Hospital

If your Hospital Site is Knox Private Hospital, John Fawkner Private Hospital, Holmesglen Private Hospital, please complete an eAdmission using the following link. This is mandatory to complete your booking paperwork.

Hobson’s Bay Endoscopy Sydenham or Mulgrave Private Hospital
If your procedure is to be undertaken at Hobson’s Bay Endoscopy Sydenham or Mulgrave Private Hospital, please complete an Online Admission using the following link. This is mandatory to complete your booking paperwork.
Warringal Private Hospital
If your procedure is to be undertaken at Warringal Private Hospital, please complete an Online Admission using the following link. This is mandatory to complete your booking paperwork.
Peninsula Private Hospital
If your procedure is to be undertaken at Peninsula Private Hospital, please complete an Online Admission using the following link. This is mandatory to complete your booking paperwork.

Schedule a Telehealth or InPerson appointment

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